Sunday, August 19, 2007

My trip to Essen

My trip to Essen

The trip to essen was pretty good. Three hours in the train and I got to the interview almost on time which was pretty good for having to deal with a new cities transit system. The office is way outside of the city in a suburb and I had to take a subway to the last stop then jump on a bus to get me the rest of the way.

I didn´t see too much of essen but liked what I did see. Essen along with Dusseldorf and Cologne are the biggest metro area in Germany and the biggest in Europe if you count them as one city. There´s lots of cool stuff to see which I didn´t have time. Essen also is going to be Europe´s cultural capital for the year 2010 so there will be a lot of cool stuff going on then.

The interview went well. We talked for about 2.5 hours and it was pretty much business but the tone was light and we all had a good time. They said that they have to do a 2nd round of interviews in September so I am not getting my hopes up too much and I have to find a new apartment for the time being.

ve got a phone interview with HP for two positions on Monday as well and I´ve seen quite a few jobs on the internet so I´ll probably be able to find something soon. I´m kind of attached to Hamburg now though so it sucks that I might be leaving. I´ve got some friends here and a new girl that I´ve seen a few times and we seem to get along really well. Oh well, I´ve got to work and if that takes me elsewhere I can´t worry about about the future or have what if´s.



Ryon said...

...excellent blog, Matt!!! Appreciate the update. Too bad you didn't catch some of the sites when you were in Essen. This is the time to stop and smell the roses and see the sights, if at all possible.
...less than two weeks until football starts...have you found any place that catches the college games over there? Still doing research on the slingbox, hopefully will have more information soon.
...thanks for the information, keep in touch, we miss you over here.

adams.mattadams said...

I saw a little in Essen.

Yeah, I researched the slingbox on their website and it looks like it should work well. I´m not ready to pull the trigger quite yet but I think I´ll ask you to get one soon. It probably shouldn´t bee too hard to set up. Also, I think that it would be worthwhile to upgrade the cable box that it´s hooked up to with dvr because otherwise I´ll be watching the usc game at 2 to 6 in the morning and I couldn´t watch any prime time shows.

Ryon said...

...I didn't even get into looking at whether or not the controllers would work on a DVR, but I don't see why they wouldn't, if you can control everything else. They say they even show the controller on your screen and you can control it like it was in your hand, only it is controlling the DVR box half a world Have you looked into the slingboxes? It looks like there is two generations of the basic slingbox, then I also ran across an HD slingbox... I agree, I need to study them more on just what is all necessary.

Ryon said...

...did some reading tonight, there are some discussions on internet forums that discuss that the slingbox is not all that it is cracked up to be? Some say the HD variety is really a misnomer in that it does not relay HD quality, not even near HD quality. They say it does not accept HDMI connections, and that is what we would want if we went with a DVR. Some say just to go with Orb....I haven't looked at that, but I guess it is freeware?

...Callahan announced today that Sam Keller is the starter for Nevada game...just said that he wanted the starter to get the most reps now, instead of splitting up first team reps.

...hear about Michael Vick...he's plea bargaining, admitting to his involvement in the dogfighting. They say he will get from one to five years in prison, they say that the NFl will impose sanctions for another 1-3 years, so even if everything was on the light end, he will not be playing football until at least 2010, maybe much longer. They also reported that Atlanta will be going after him for some of the 130 million contract he just signed a year or so ago.

...take care.

Anonymous said...

Yo dude. This blog is excellent. Not.

I've watched all seven episodes of Flight of the Conchords. YOu were right. It rocks!! I saw two commercials for the new season of Always Sunny in Philladelphia and they're both hi larious. Look em up on youtube if you have time.

Hope you get slingbox going. It's just a week away! aaaahhh!

I got home from work at five today instead of ten like I thought. Mostly because the uncooperative bank lady finally started answering my questions. So it went well. I think I made a good impression by putting in lots of hours. I was told today that I'll be going to Bremmen Ohio in December. I think that it means he knows I'll sweat it out to do these conversions correctly.

Start asking the people around you what they know about blogs. like 1 in 2 people have or read blogs. The problem with this blahg (fucking hilarious) is that you can't see if there is a new post at first glance.

If you could go to the main page and see the comment right away or know if there is or is not a comment, that would be ok.

later dude

La Nuit Étoilée said...

Did I read that correctly? A new girl even? I didn't know you had it in you ;)

adams.mattadams said...

Again, `Cinder, thank you. I´ve got so many ladies I have to beat em away with a stick.

Ryon said...

...well, Mareike appears to be the tenth of a second we see her.
...sounds like you will have a great time touring the area....take pictures.